Reaction to ZEV mandate consultation
62% of MPs Support FairCharge's VAT Campaign
FairCharge FOI Reveals Councils Not Ready For EVs
REVEALED: less than three in ten councils have electric vehicle transition plan
FairCharge Reveals 7 in 10 Councils Have No EV transition Plan
FairCharge Comments on Spring Budget - Fleetworld
Reaction to Government EV Infrastructure Strategy
REVEALED: £115 ‘stealth tax’ on EV drivers without driveways
Little for EVs in Spring Budget Claims FairCharge
Rugby MP Backs FairCharge Campaigns
FairCharge on Green Levies Transport & Energy
EVs Bought to Avoid High Fuel Prices - Express
Fully Charged and FairCharge Reminisce at Farnborough
FairCharge Says Pulling EV Charger Grant is Unfair
Charging Costs Rise But Still Cheaper Than Petrol & Diesel
The Death of Diesel is Being Exaggerated
Our Energy Crisis
A War Against EVs?